Are You Wishing for Summer?

Posted by Ed Neese on January 14th, 2020

When a winter wind blows so hard and cold that it takes your breath away, it is easy to wish that it were summer again.  But be careful what you wish for if you don’t have an adequate ventilation system in your manufacturing facility or warehouse.   On those hot summer days, working in a poorly ventilated building, can make you more miserable than enduring a cold winter wind.   Now is the time to take action and upgrade your ventilation system.  If you wait too long, it will be summer again, you won’t have adequate ventilation and then you will be wishing for a cold winter wind.

Create a Successful Environment

The best place to start a ventilation system upgrade project is to determine what type of working environment you want for your employees.  Most employers would say they want one where employees can successfully perform their job duties in the most efficient and effective way.  In the summer months, this is best achieved by keeping the temperature inside the facility from exceeding 77ºF.   If having a successful environment for your employees in the summer is what you want, Eldridge can show you ventilation system design options to meet that goal.

Upgrade for a Better Bottom Line

All employers want productive employees.  Did you know that when outdoor temperatures go up, employee productivity goes down?  When the facility temperature exceeds 77ºF, productivity declines by 1% per degree per employee.  Investing in an upgraded ventilation system can pay for itself with reduced labor costs in the hot summer months.  We can help create a payback analysis to show how quickly you will see the benefits on your company’s bottom line.

Time is of the Essence

Now is the best time to start a ventilation system upgrade. Factory lead times are usually around eight weeks for ventilation equipment orders and fan installations take around four weeks. Installation lead time must factor in scheduling around the day-to-day operations going on inside a building as well as availability of installation crews. If you get ahead of the last minute rush and order ventilation equipment today, your facility could be ready by late April, just in time to help beat the summer heat!


Before your wish for summer comes true, make plans now to upgrade your ventilation system.  Your employees will thank you and so will your bottom line!

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