Industrial Ceiling Fans

Posted by Ed Neese on October 23rd, 2018

We often have customers tell us that they only want to install large industrial ceiling fans. These fans are a good solution for providing spot cooling to workers. We agree that keeping people cool in an unairconditioned facility is important because it increases productivity. A benefit of installing industrial ceiling fans is that they can lower the perceived temperature by as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit. However, a big drawback to industrial ceiling fans is that they pull down the hottest air from the top of the building and blow it onto workers below. If the temperature at the top of the building is 20 degrees higher than the outside temperature, then the net effect is to actually make the people below the industrial ceiling fan feel hotter.

Industrial Ceiling Fan

Recommended Solution

Eldridge’s recommended solution is to use supply or exhaust fans in combination with industrial ceiling fans. Supply or exhaust fans can be sized to keep the temperature inside the building close to the ambient temperature. Using supply or exhaust fans in conjunction with industrial ceiling fans will be significantly more effective in providing convective cooling to people working directly below.

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